Saturday, 6 February 2010

The Twenty-eight Neckwarmer

I wanted to make a neckwarmer for a very good friend of mine who is not only an avid snowboarder (and therefore spends a fair amount of time each year in SERIOUSLY cold conditions) but has a brilliant sense of style and flair. I needed something really cosy and warm, but with a bit of an edge. This is what I came up with...

The Twenty-eight Neckwarmer


2 x 100g (c. 48m) balls Cygnet Seriously Chunky
it's knitted on a gorgeous pair of needles I had as a present, which don't actually have a size on them, but I'd hazard a guess that they were around 10mm.


cast on 15 sts
knit 21 rows
row 22: k10, kfb, k to end
row 23: k
rep these two rows until you have 30 sts on needle
k a further 19 rows
Buttonhole row 1: k4, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k6, k2tog, k4, k2tog, k4
Buttonhole row 2: k4, yo, k4, yo, k6, yo, k4, yo, k4
k 4 more rows
cast off with right side facing

add 2 large buttons, and weave in ends
